Free Market Analysis

Request a Complementary Market Analysis

Request a complementary market analysis, and one of our agents will provide you with a detailed report:

Competitive Estimate

Trophy's agents take a close look at current listings on the market, so you can price your property competitively.


By understanding current market conditions, you will have a better understanding of how long it might take to sell your property.

Profitable Transaction

Once the value of your cabin is determined, Trophy's team can create high quality advertisements across proven marketing channels to locate qualified buyers.

List with Trophy Real Estate

  • Develop an understanding of your property value
  • Utilize our professional equipment and marketing expertise
  • Advertise to a network of qualified buyers
  • Employ local Realtors with years of experience

Any Questions?
Contact Us:

  (435) 682-4200
  885 E. Movie Ranch Rd.
Duck Creek Village, UT 84762